Clinton Griffiths
Farm Journal
Job Title
Host, AgDay
Speaker Bio
Clinton Griffiths serves as the anchor and editorial director for “AgDay” TV and was recently named the 12th editor of Farm Journal Magazine. “AgDay” is the nation's longest running daily syndicated news program about agriculture and rural America while Farm Journal was founded 145 years ago and is the nation’s oldest farming magazine. Together, Clinton has oversight for two of the most iconic agricultural brands in the industry. Clinton has lifelong connections in agriculture, he comes from a deeply rooted agriculturally diverse family, tracing his farming and ranching roots in the U.S. back more than 13 generations. He grew up in Deming, N.M., and his family runs his great-grandparents’ ranch in Tucumcari. Clinton grew up showing cattle and was actively involved in FFA and 4H. Clinton now lives on a farm in northern Indiana with his wife, MaryBeth, and three young children. In 2019, Clinton was named the Farm Broadcaster of the Year by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting.