Jared Dueppengiesser
Job Title
North East Region Representative
Speaker Bio
Jared Dueppengiesser was the herd manager at Rosendale Dairy, 10,000 cow cross vent facility which is part of the Milk Source LLC group. Jared did an internship at Hudson Dairy with Milk Source in 2016 between his Sophomore and Junior year at Cornell University and was very impressed by the culture and business model so when he graduated in 2018 and was offered a herdsperson position, he enthusiastically accepted. He quickly moved from lead herdsman at Rosendale to herd manager at Omro, a 2500 cow site. In just over a year, he was promoted to Rosendale Dairy where he focused on creating a culture where employees thrive which led to business success. Jared believes that his investment in people led directly to near zero turnover, improved milk quality and increased energy corrected milk.
Currently he is working with Acepsis, a Wisconsin-based animal wellness company focused on the development of chlorine dioxide-based technologies within a wide range of agricultural hygiene applications, from facility and animal hygiene applications to water treatment. He is motivated to use his on-farm experience and passion for culture development to bring exceptional value to the customers he works with.
Jared Dueppengiesser