Tim Trotter
Dairy Edge Cooperative
Job Title
Speaker Bio
Tim Trotter joined Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and the Dairy Business Association in 2014 and today serves as CEO of both associations. Under his leadership, Edge has evolved to be one of the leading dairy cooperatives in the country recognized for their influence and leadership in dairy policy, milk price reform and farm-led sustainability programs. Collectively the two organizations offer a voice for dairy farmers at the state and national level.
Trotter’s leadership in the organization stems from his extensive background in both agriculture and strategic planning. Having grown up on a dairy and crop farm, he continued farming for 20 years during which time he assumed a variety of leadership roles in national agricultural organizations including serving as president of the National Corn Growers Council from 1991-92. He has served on various national boards including US Grains Council, Renewable Fuels Association, American Sugar Alliance. Following his time on the farm, he became a certified strategic management professional and served as president of the International Association of Strategy Professionals, formally Association for Strategic Planning , and in 2015 he was inducted into their Hall of Fame. Tim has served as a Baldridge examiner for Illinois Performance Excellence. He was also senior staff to the DuPage Country Board and partner in VerseOne, Inc.
Tim Trotter