Countdown to Crop Tour

The roster for the 2023 Pro Farmer Crop Tour is full and scouts are making final plans to join tour leaders Brian Grete in Ohio and Chip Flory in South Dakota for their annual trek across seven Midwest states. The Pro Farmer Crop Tour tradition is in its 31st year, and the mission is unchanged – to discover yield potential for the U.S. corn and soybean crops. Crop Tour is one of the most closely followed events in the industry and Grete and Flory will help you understand what to expect, where the industry will focus and how the event turns a day’s worth of crop scouting into live events, real-time analysis and information real farmers use to make real decisions.

Monday, August 14
3pm CST


Chip Flory, Host of AgriTalk
Brian Grete, Pro Farmer
Sherman Newlin, Newlin Farms LLC
Ted Seifried, Zaner Ag Hedge Group